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Ash Borland, a mortgage business coach, discussing how mortgage brokers can offer more than just mortgages by expanding into additional financial products.

Can Mortgage Brokers Offer Other Financial Products in the UK?

February 25, 20255 min read

If you’re thinking about becoming a mortgage broker, you might be wondering whether your role will be limited to just mortgages, or if you can offer other financial products as well. The short answer? Yes, mortgage brokers can often offer a range of financial products, but there are important factors to consider, including qualifications, compliance, and business strategy. Expanding mortgage broker services can provide additional revenue streams and improve client retention.

What Other Financial Products Can Mortgage Brokers Offer?

Mortgage brokers primarily help clients secure home loans, but there are several complementary financial products that can enhance your service and increase your earning potential. These may include:

Can Mortgage Brokers Offer Protection Insurance?

Yes, mortgage brokers can offer protection insurance, which includes life insurance, critical illness cover, and income protection. Many brokers integrate protection advice into their mortgage process, ensuring their clients have financial security in case of unforeseen events. Selling insurance as a mortgage broker is an excellent way to increase revenue. Watch this video on how mortgage brokers can sell insurance

Can Mortgage Brokers Sell General Insurance?

Yes, mortgage brokers can offer general insurance products such as home insurance, landlord insurance, and buildings and contents cover. These are essential for mortgage clients, making them a natural add-on for brokers who want to diversify income streams.

Are Mortgage Brokers Allowed to Offer Bridging Loans?

Yes, some mortgage brokers also provide bridging loans, which are short-term finance solutions that can be useful for clients buying property before selling an existing one. Expanding into commercial finance for mortgage brokers can help attract a broader client base.

Can Mortgage Brokers Provide Secured Loans or Second Charge Mortgages?

Yes, secured loans, also known as second charge mortgages, allow homeowners to borrow against the equity in their property without remortgaging. Some mortgage brokers choose to specialise in this area. Learn about mortgage broker strategies in this video

Can Mortgage Brokers Offer Commercial Finance?

Yes, some brokers expand into business loans, commercial mortgages, and development finance. However, this requires additional expertise and, in some cases, different regulatory permissions. Mortgage brokers and commercial finance go hand in hand for those looking to scale their services.

Can Mortgage Brokers Advise on Equity Release?

Yes, mortgage brokers can advise on equity release, but this requires an additional qualification (CeRER – Certificate in Regulated Equity Release). Later-life lending is a lucrative niche but requires specialised knowledge. Watch this video about becoming a mortgage broker

Can Mortgage Brokers Offer Wills and Estate Planning?

Yes, while not directly mortgage-related, some brokers offer will-writing services or work with estate planners. This adds another layer of value for clients and can help with client retention.

What Qualifications Do Mortgage Brokers Need to Offer Other Financial Products?

While CeMAP (Certificate in Mortgage Advice and Practice) qualifies you to advise on regulated mortgage contracts, additional training and certifications are required for certain products:

  • Do Mortgage Brokers Need Additional Qualifications to Sell Insurance? Most protection and general insurance policies can be sold under an appointed representative (AR) model through a network, but standalone protection specialists may require FCA authorisation.

  • Do Mortgage Brokers Need Special Qualifications for Equity Release? Yes, advising on equity release requires the CeRER qualification.

  • Are Commercial Lending and Bridging Loans Regulated? Commercial lending is not always regulated by the FCA, but expertise and lender relationships are crucial. Mortgage brokers need to understand the legal aspects of financial services.

Mortgage brokers must ensure they operate within FCA guidelines and, if necessary, work under a network that supports the range of products they wish to offer.

What Are the Business Benefits of Offering More Financial Products?

Expanding beyond mortgages provides several advantages:

  • How Can Mortgage Brokers Increase Revenue Streams? Each additional financial product adds an opportunity to earn extra commission or fees. Mortgage broker revenue streams can grow significantly with proper diversification.

  • How Can Mortgage Brokers Improve Client Retention? Clients are more likely to return if they receive a full financial service, rather than just mortgage advice.

  • Can Offering More Products Help Mortgage Brokers Build Stronger Client Relationships? A holistic approach positions brokers as trusted advisers rather than just mortgage specialists.

  • How Does Offering More Products Give Mortgage Brokers a Competitive Edge? Providing a wider range of services can differentiate brokers from competitors who only focus on mortgages. Discover strategies for mortgage brokers in this video

Should Mortgage Brokers Offer Other Financial Products?

While diversification can be beneficial, it’s important to do it strategically:

  1. Should Mortgage Brokers Know Their Market Before Expanding? If your target clients are first-time buyers, insurance may be a great add-on, but commercial lending might not be relevant.

  2. Should Mortgage Brokers Stay Within Their Expertise? If you don’t fully understand a product, either get the necessary training or partner with specialists.

  3. Can Adding Too Many Products Affect Mortgage Brokers' Workload? Adding too many services too soon can dilute your effectiveness as a mortgage broker.

  4. Should Mortgage Brokers Work with Referral Partners? Collaborating with Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs) or protection specialists can allow brokers to offer more services without overstretching themselves.

Final Thoughts: Is Expanding Financial Services Worth It for Mortgage Brokers?

As a new mortgage broker, offering additional financial products can be a fantastic way to build a robust, client-focused business. However, it’s crucial to balance expansion with compliance, expertise, and your core mortgage offering. Start with the essentials, such as protection insurance, and gradually introduce more services as your business grows. Expanding mortgage broker services can help you increase revenue while providing a more valuable experience for clients.

Would you like help in structuring your services or marketing your offering? Let’s chat!

Check out this video on becoming a successful mortgage broker

Mortgage broker financial productsCan mortgage brokers sell insurance?Mortgage brokers and protection insuranceMortgage broker business opportunitiesExpanding mortgage broker servicesMortgage broker insurance salesMortgage broker revenue streamsFinancial services for mortgage brokersCommercial finance for mortgage brokersEquity release mortgage brokers
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