Mortgage Business Mastery podcast cover featuring Ash Borland, with podcast platform icons for Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Ash is pictured on the left, with a clean, professional appearance, and the podcast title is displayed on the right in bold white text against a dark, blurred background.

Building Closed Brand Ecosystems, Enhancing Broker Credibility, and YouTube Tools

October 17, 20247 min read

Hey everyone, welcome back! I’m excited to take you behind the scenes of the latest episode of the Mortgage Business Mastery Podcast. In this episode, I dive into some key strategies for mortgage brokers, focusing on how to build a closed ecosystem around your brand, establish credibility in a crowded market, and stay ahead with the latest social media trends. Let’s break it down so you can easily implement these ideas in your own business.


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Before we dive in, if you’re looking for mortgage broker coaching or mortgage business coaching, feel free to learn more about working with me as a mortgage broker coach and see how I can help you grow your business.

Section 1: Building a Closed Ecosystem for Your Brand

So, the main focus of this week’s episode is all about creating what I like to call a closed ecosystem around your brand. This idea actually hit me during a recent family trip to Center Parcs. Let me explain.

The Center Parcs Example

While on holiday, I couldn’t help but analyse everything from a business and branding perspective (much to my wife’s frustration!). What I realised is that Center Parcs, much like Disney, has created this closed-off world where everything you need is contained within their ecosystem. The wildlife, the activities, the food—it's all controlled, and because of that, you’re less likely to leave or look for alternatives. Sure, the bottled water was £4.50 (ouch), but I happily paid for it because of the environment they had crafted. It was genius!

How You Can Build Your Own Ecosystem

This got me thinking: how can we, as mortgage brokers, create that same sort of closed ecosystem for our clients? Here’s the strategy I laid out on the podcast, and I truly believe it’s a game-changer.

  1. Content that attracts prospects: You need to start by creating content that brings people in. I’m talking about Instagram Reels, TikToks, YouTube Shorts—content that gets people interested in what you offer.

  2. Content that nurtures prospects: Once you’ve got their attention, you need to keep them engaged, even if they’re not ready to move right now. This is where podcasts, newsletters, and news updates come in handy. People are obsessed with property news, so give them a reason to keep coming back to you for updates.

  3. Content that guides them through the process: Finally, create content that helps your clients along their journey. Whether it’s a quick video tutorial on how to complete tax calculations or a guide on the mortgage application process, this type of content reinforces that you’re the go-to expert.

I’m always banging on about this, but think about how many times your clients ask you the same questions. Now imagine you’ve got a video or a blog post ready to answer those questions—it saves time, builds trust, and keeps them within your ecosystem.

Want to dive deeper into marketing and building your brand? Check out my Mortgage Business Mastery Show on Spotify, where I focus on mortgage business coaching, marketing strategies, sales, and lead generation to grow your business.

Expanding Your Ecosystem

I also talk about expanding your services. Just like how Center Parcs offers everything from accommodation to activities, we can offer multiple services. You don’t have to be just a mortgage broker. Consider adding things like estate agency referrals, working with solicitors, or offering insurance products.

But remember—don’t try to expand too quickly. Focus on your core services first, then slowly build out. As I mentioned in the podcast, “Look at Disney. They expanded their ecosystem into everything from Marvel to Star Wars. You can create your own empire, but make sure you do it at your own pace.”

Section 2: Broker Q&A – Your Questions Answered

This is one of my favourite parts of the podcast—answering your questions. In this episode, I covered three big ones that I think a lot of you will find valuable. Let’s go through them.

1. How Do I Establish Myself as a Credible Mortgage Broker?

A new broker asked me how to build credibility in the industry. I know this can be tough, especially when you’re just starting out. So, I shared my Authority Formula, which breaks credibility down into four key parts:

  • Competency of Knowledge: You need to show people that you know your stuff. This could be through educational content like blog posts, videos, and social media updates.

  • Competency of Implementation: Walk the walk. Share real-life examples of mortgages you’ve helped close or challenges you’ve solved for clients.

  • Social Proof: Testimonials from happy clients are incredibly powerful. Let others vouch for you.

  • Being Currently Active: You need to be posting regularly. If someone checks your profile and you haven’t posted in months, they might assume you’re no longer in business. Try to post at least five times a week.

When you apply these principles consistently, you’ll naturally build up credibility. It takes time, but it works.

If you’re struggling with marketing and lead generation, I’ve created a free course that can guide you through the entire process. Check out the Mortgage Marketing Blueprint to get access to the exact strategies I use to help brokers like you.

2. How Do I Optimise My Website for Conversion?

The next question was about optimising a website to turn visitors into clients. My advice? Keep it simple. Your website should be more like a landing page that quickly communicates who you are, what you do, and why people should care.

Here’s how I structure mine, and it’s something you might want to try:

  • Headline and Subheader: Make it super clear what you do and who you help.

  • Call to Action: Your website’s main job is to get people to book a call with you. Make sure that call-to-action button is impossible to miss.

  • Problem-Solution Approach: List five common problems your clients face and explain how you solve them.

  • Social Proof: Include testimonials and case studies throughout your site. People love to see real-world examples of your success.

Your website doesn’t need to be fancy, just clear and to the point.

3. How Do I Keep Content Interesting Despite Compliance Constraints?

This one’s tricky, right? Compliance can sometimes make everything feel a bit “beige,” but it doesn’t have to. The key is to focus on topics that don’t need compliance approval, like property market news or educational content that doesn’t offer specific advice.

Also, remember that your content should be more about what your clients need, not what entertains you. Stick to the basics, and stay consistent. Boring to you might be exactly what your client needs.

Section 3: Social Media Update – What’s Happening with YouTube Shorts?

In the Social Media Update section, I talk about some exciting changes happening with YouTube Shorts. If you’ve been using YouTube Shorts, or are thinking about it, listen up.

YouTube Shorts Now Allows Up to Three Minutes

Traditionally, YouTube Shorts were capped at 59 seconds, but as of 15th October, you can now create Shorts up to three minutes long. This opens up a whole new opportunity for us as brokers to provide more valuable content in bite-sized pieces.

Why does this matter? Well, YouTube Shorts actually rank in Google search. So, if you’re already creating content for platforms like TikTok or Instagram Reels, you can easily repurpose it for YouTube and reach a whole new audience.

But be careful—if your video is longer than a minute, you can’t use copyrighted music, or you’ll get a strike. Stick to valuable, educational content that helps position you as an expert, and avoid the gimmicky stuff.

If you want to see how I do it, check out my YouTube channel where I post guides, tutorials, and tips on marketing, sales, and business development specifically for mortgage brokers.

Conclusion: Building Your Ecosystem and Mastering Social Media

This episode of the Mortgage Business Mastery Podcast is packed with tips that can help you grow your business through smart content creation, a closed ecosystem strategy, and keeping up with social media trends. Whether you’re trying to establish credibility or master YouTube Shorts, the opportunities are there for the taking.

If you have any questions or need more specific advice, feel free to reach out to me directly via my website or social media. And don’t forget to tune in to the next episode for more tips to help you succeed in the mortgage industry!

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