Generate Free Mortgage Leads on Facebook - Tips for Mortgage Brokers to Increase Leads Through Organic Social Media Marketing

How to Generate Free Mortgage Leads on Facebook: A Step-by-Step Guide for Mortgage Brokers

September 30, 20249 min read

As a mortgage broker, generating leads is the lifeblood of your business. In today’s digital age, Facebook provides an excellent platform to generate those leads without spending a penny on ads. This blog will guide you through how you can leverage organic Facebook marketing to generate free mortgage leads, build your personal brand, and grow your business.

In this post, we'll break down the strategy step-by-step so you can start getting results today, without needing to invest in Facebook ads or complex paid campaigns.

If you're looking for more ways to grow your mortgage business or need help with lead generation, you can also learn more about working with me as a mortgage broker coach. I specialise in helping brokers master their personal branding, marketing, and sales strategy.

1. Facebook Personal Profile vs Business Page: Best Way for Mortgage Brokers to Generate Free Leads

When it comes to generating mortgage leads for free on Facebook, you’re better off using your personal Facebook profile rather than a business page. Why? The personal page offers greater reach and engagement, and Facebook’s algorithm tends to favour posts from personal accounts over business pages when it comes to organic lead generation.

  • Business Pages are primarily set up to run paid advertisements. While they are great for running ads, their organic reach is typically much lower because Facebook pushes them toward the "pay-to-play" model.

  • Personal Profiles, on the other hand, allow you to tap into the organic reach that comes with being part of a personal network. As a mortgage broker, people buy from people, and your personal branding is often more effective than a corporate-style business page.

Pro Tip: Convert your personal profile to a Digital Creator account. This unlocks extra features, such as audience insights and the ability to run ads if needed while still maintaining the organic reach of a personal page. To do this, go to your profile settings and switch to "Professional Mode." You can easily find instructions online by searching for how to turn your Facebook profile into a Digital Creator profile.

2. How to Leverage Your Facebook Friends List for Free Mortgage Lead Generation

Your current Facebook friends list is an untapped resource for leads. Many brokers are hesitant to mix business with personal life, fearing they might overwhelm their friends with business posts. However, if you’re a small business or a one-person operation, it’s crucial to blur the lines between your personal and professional presence on social media.

Most of your friends will need a mortgage at some point, and they may not even know you’re a mortgage broker. Start by creating valuable content that educates your network on mortgage-related topics.

Here’s a key approach:

  • Reintroduce yourself as a mortgage broker: Let your network know what you do. Re-educate your Facebook friends about your business without being overly salesy.

  • Don’t be shy: Most people in your network already like and trust you. They may just need a nudge to think of you as their go-to mortgage broker.

Example: One of my clients, a mortgage broker based in Manchester, implemented these Facebook strategies for six months. By consistently posting videos answering frequently asked questions about mortgages and interacting with local community groups, they generated 20 leads per month without spending a single penny on ads.

For a deeper dive into the strategies that work, check out my Mortgage Business Mastery Show on YouTube where I cover topics like marketing, lead generation, and sales coaching for mortgage brokers.

3. Content Creation Tips for Mortgage Brokers: How to Build Trust and Generate Leads on Facebook

The next step is creating consistent, high-value content that keeps you top-of-mind for anyone needing mortgage advice or services.

The key here is consistency and specificity. Talk about mortgages — and only mortgages — on your personal Facebook profile for an extended period (aim for a year). This doesn’t mean you won’t generate leads before then, but focusing solely on your niche will help people associate you with mortgages.

Why Video Content? Video content is one of the most effective ways to build trust and engage your audience. People like seeing and hearing from a real person, and video marketing replicates the experience of a face-to-face interaction. Facebook favours video content in its algorithm, making it an essential medium for organic Facebook marketing.

Pro Tip: Use AI tools like ChatGPT to generate mortgage-related topics or frequently asked questions. Simply ask it to give you a list of questions potential homeowners ask about getting a mortgage, and you’ll have a hundred content ideas to work with.

4. How to Optimise Your Facebook Profile to Attract Free Mortgage Leads

Once people begin engaging with your content, they will naturally check out your profile. Your Facebook profile should act like a landing page for your business — it should be clear and concise, with direct links to more resources.

Steps to Optimise:

  • Cover Photo: Use a branded cover photo that clearly states who you are and what you do. For instance, "Mortgage Broker – Helping You Get the Best Deal on Your Home."

  • Profile Picture: Ensure your profile picture is professional and consistent across all platforms (WhatsApp, LinkedIn, and your website). If you don’t have a professional headshot, you can use AI tools like Insta Headshots to generate one.

  • Pinned Post: Pin a post at the top of your profile that introduces you and your services. You could include a video explaining your business and how people can get in touch with you.

If you're looking for a step-by-step guide on creating a powerful marketing strategy, check out my Mortgage Marketing Blueprint. It's a free course that walks you through the entire process, from lead generation to marketing, tailored specifically for mortgage brokers.

5. Joining the Right Facebook Groups for Mortgage Lead Generation: A Guide for Brokers

In addition to optimising your profile, it’s essential to increase your visibility by joining Facebook groups. Look for local community groups or niche groups focused on first-time buyers, real estate, or local property markets.

Two Key Types of Groups to Join:

  1. Local Community Groups: Engage with local groups for your town or village. Participate in discussions, offer advice when people ask property-related questions, and make yourself visible without being salesy.

  2. Mortgage & Real Estate Groups: Join niche-specific groups where you can provide value. These are often full of potential clients asking questions. The key here is to be helpful, not promotional. Build relationships, and your reputation will follow.

The more value you provide, the more likely people will visit your profile and, as a result, reach out to you for mortgage advice.

6. Why Adding Clients to Your Facebook Friends List Can Boost Your Mortgage Leads

Don’t hesitate to add clients as friends on Facebook. This creates a deeper relationship with them and keeps you in their network for future referrals. Every time you post content about mortgages, these clients are reminded of the excellent service you provided, making them more likely to refer you to others or return for a remortgage down the line.

How This Helps:

  • Repeat Business: Keeping in touch with past clients ensures they think of you first when it's time to remortgage.

  • Referrals: Your clients are more likely to refer you to friends and family if they see your posts regularly.

Example: By adding former clients as Facebook friends, a broker I coached was able to maintain relationships with them, leading to repeat business when they needed to remortgage and several referrals from friends and family.

7. How Mixing Personal and Business Content on Facebook Generates More Mortgage Leads

It’s important to strike a balance between business and personal content on your profile. While the bulk of your posts should be about mortgages, mixing in some personal updates helps build relatability and humanises your brand.

For example, you could post about attending your child’s football game, and then tie it back to your business by mentioning how working as a mortgage broker gives you the flexibility to enjoy these moments. This keeps your content engaging and relatable, while still subtly promoting your business.

8. Engage Consistently: Long-Term Organic Growth Strategies for Free Facebook Mortgage Leads

Generating leads through Facebook for free isn’t about quick wins; it’s about consistency and long-term strategy. If you continue to post valuable content, engage with your audience, and maintain an optimised profile, you’ll see growth over time.

Tips for Consistent Engagement:

  • Post at least one piece of video content daily, addressing a specific mortgage-related question.

  • Regularly interact with comments, both on your own posts and in the Facebook groups you’ve joined.

  • Be patient. Organic growth takes time but can yield substantial results in the long run.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Generating Free Mortgage Leads on Facebook

1. How do I avoid overwhelming my Facebook friends with mortgage-related posts?
You don’t need to post only mortgage content all the time. Mixing in some personal content (e.g. celebrating life events, sharing hobbies) alongside your business posts creates balance. Just make sure your personal content subtly links back to your business, showing how your mortgage expertise fits into your life.

2. Can I generate leads on Facebook without using video content?
While video content is highly effective due to its ability to build trust, it’s not the only option. You can also use images, text posts, and infographics. However, video is recommended because it mimics face-to-face interactions, building quicker rapport.

3. How often should I post to start generating leads?
Consistency is key. Ideally, aim to post daily or several times a week. More frequent posts will keep you top-of-mind for your audience, especially in a competitive space like mortgages.

Conclusion: Free Facebook Lead Generation Strategy for Mortgage Brokers

Generating leads through Facebook organically is possible, but it requires a clear strategy, consistent effort, and a willingness to use your personal profile to showcase your expertise. By re-educating your Facebook friends, creating regular video content, optimising your profile, and engaging with relevant groups, you can build a steady stream of free mortgage leads.

Remember, this strategy is about the long game — nurturing relationships, building trust, and becoming the go-to mortgage broker in your network.

For more insights and coaching on mortgage business growth, feel free to check out my Mortgage Business Mastery Show on YouTube, where I share detailed strategies on marketing, sales, and lead generation for brokers.

If you're ready to dive deeper, be sure to learn more about working with me and take advantage of my Mortgage Marketing Blueprint, a free course that guides mortgage brokers through the process of marketing and lead generation.

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